Heylo and welcome again to Game Tirade
A lot of thoughts going into what I want to do next so I decided to simply share a game with you've I've been playing for a while now. I've gone and gotten myself horribly addicted to a game called Gnomoria. For those who've never heard of this gem you might find yourselves able to get involved with a great new up and comer.
Gnomoria is first and last a sandbox game. You're goal is what you make it out to be, a lot of my early games meant it was just simply to survive the first winter. You're tasked with a group of nomadic gnomes who'm for whatever reason you find most amusing have trekked out into the middle of no where. In this slab of nothing you must make something, either an impenetrable fortress, a floating castle, a heaven on earth or a giant something I dare not say in polite company. Whatever you want your goal to be is the goal of the game, much the same as other games such as the well established Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress.
What I found most impressive about the game was how easy it was to learn. RoboBob, the creator of the game mentioned Dwarf Fortress as inspiration and there was a very popular graphic associated with the learning curve with Dwarf Fortress. As you can see by this illustration, prolonged game play can lead to fits of suicide. Gnomoria at its current stage is a much more inviting game for new players as the GUI and mechanics are easy to grasp. Granted a lot of things can change in the future of this game but as it is I can play this game for a few hours with my sanity very well in check.
After playing through a few times I felt like I knew most things that there is to know but that can change soon enough. Not only is the creator consistently and frequenlty updating the game with new and useful content, I'm still learning new things about the game every day. One feature I was told about just hte other day was that you could invinte new gadgets in the game. This was a rather interesting way to get players to work for the next tier of items and almost felt like an RTS element. I'm not complaining at all that I have to lock a gnome away in a small room for weeks on end to invint gears and a way of putting those gears into a box. That would be the gnomes problem hehe.
If you want to see more of this game make sure to check out the offical alpha trailer, a lets play by the games creator RoboBob is available on Youtube which I'll link below.
I'll be releasing more of my own lets plays in the future with this game and some additonal content about it over the next few weeks. If you're interested in supporting the game you can learn more about it at their official website and pick yourself up a demo if not purches the full game while its alpha.
Anyway, thats all for now, take care and have fun!
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