Saturday, October 6, 2012

Editing takes forever!

Heylo and welcome again to Game Tirade

Right now and for the next two days the website here has Gnomoria available.  If you haven't bought the game yet or maybe just on the fence about it you can now set your own price.  You can pick the game up for a dollar or offer a bit more since some of the proceeds will be supporting the American Red Cross.

Besides that I've been playing a lot more with the stock editor on my windows Movie Maker.  Its all I have to work with for now but its providing a nice easy curve for me to learn so I'll keep working with it for now.  The 3rd episode of Gnomoria, Merchant Obliterator, is up and ready for viewing, you can find it here.  I think it came out a lot better than most the video's I've been able to submit to date but it is decently a process to clean up the mess that is my videos with editing.  I hope to figure out what I want to do music wise soon.  I figure maybe just turn the Gnomoria custom music a bit higher than trying to figure out what I can or cannot play on youtube without getting smacked with some cease and desist order.  

Also for anyone who's a fan of Gnomoria and its creator RoboBob I did a quick questioner with him over an email.  I hope to prepare more questions for him in the near future and do a live interview either via skype or a simple chat IM conversation.  We'll be making the questioner public within the next day or so whenever the editor is ready and provide links to it on the main site.  In the mean time, if there are any questions you would like to see on the next questioner or interview, make sure to let me know with a comment.  I'll have an email available within the next day or so as well which I will provide then.  I can honestly say I learned a lot about him and his project and look forward to sharing that all with you.

I'm also working a little bit on the next game my brother turned me onto called Kenshi.  You may have seen some stuff of it already but I've done my first episode with it and I'll link it here now for you to take a look at.  I'll get into a bit more detail about the game at a later point but for now all I can do is share the first episode of Kenshi, Reckless Endangerment.  see ya next time.

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