Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gnomes in the Kicking Kingdom

Heylo and welcome again to Game Tirade

So finally started a new world in Gnomoria leaving my old kingdom behind.  However we've a new project and a new crew and they will be the pioneers to establish the Kicking Kingdom!  Literally, that's what its called.  You can decide exactly what they're kicking but lets just hope they Kick arse in general.  I hoped to upload a video but today we learned that Youtube has a 15 minute limit for new users.  Some might call this a fail, but... well it is, though I'm a bit smarter now for it.  I'll have to see what I can do about that but will probably just go threw and re edit my videos to abide by this limit.  Look at the bottom of this entry for a link to Gnomoria if you're interested

I hope to have some new stuff in the future too.  While I love the game Gnomoria I also want to explore the game Kenshi some more.  I've played some and its not a game I really want to start again from scratch.  Trust me you'll be much happier seeing some of the cool things you get later in the game rather than watching me run back and forth between towns trying to build up stats heh.  I did record however my first run thew of Kenshi.  I may upload the whole thing but I simply took out a snippet of my favorite part.  You may have already seen it on Eccentric Tirades home page, if not then you might enjoy seeing this if you want to see me suffer.  Also check out their website, link should be at the bottom.

And as for other new content well...  I'm waiting on some concept art ;3 Check it out No seriously, check it out

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