Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So I've joined a group called Midcore Gamers who I gota say are a lot of fun.  They've showed me a fair amount of material and editing tricks as well as taken some of my stuff to make our videos overall better.  Most of all it's great having some creative and enthusastic people to play with!  We've started work on a new series for minecraft called CityCraft.  If you want to learn more about it then just watch my first video, the links seem to be a bit funked right now so this is all I can link here instead of a full embeded video


Besides this I'm thinking if I want to kick up my Don't Starve series again.  it was a lot of fun and some of the guys from Midcore Gamers where thinking of giving it a go so I may get back into it.  The dark souls series I've been posting doesn't seem to have taken to well with anyone so I plan to slow down on it, maybe one upload a week or something like that it's hard to say.

There are just to many games I want to play.  besides minecraft and Dark Souls, theres Don't Starve, Gnomoria, Terraria, and more and more the more I think about it!  BLAH!

Also want to do more interviews and comics.  What would you ask content creators like youtubers or video game makers if you could ask questions?

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